
Benefits of Honey

Did you know that honey was so valuable that it was accepted as payment by merchants and landowners in ancient times? Honey was also known for thousands of years as a symbol of prosperity. It represented abundance in the Holy Land which was referred to as “the land of milk and honey” in the Bible. Experts consider honey as a valuable medicine not just a sweetener. Honey can soothe an upset stomach, heal painful stomach ulcers, clean and heal dirty wounds, bring back suppleness to dry skin, aid digestion, combat allergies, and honey releases antioxidants that defeat cancer causing free radicals.
In our modern world, man-made antibiotics and processed sweeteners have pushed back and relegated honey to take a backseat. However, science reveals that honey kills bacteria that even the most powerful antibiotics cannot. Honey also contains trace amounts of nutrients, proteins, minerals, and vitamins that sugar does not. Many people have returned to making honey their sweetener of choice over sugar and artificial sweeteners. In addition to keeping honey in your kitchen pantry, consider keeping some in your first aid kit and bathroom medicine cabinet.
The next time you get a scrape or a burn on your skin just dab some honey on it and healing will begin at once. Honey is painless to apply and will not irritate your skin. It immediately forms a natural protective barrier over the wound while at the same time cleaning it of dirt and debris. More importantly honey kills bacteria by slowly releasing antiseptic hydrogen peroxide over a number of hours. Honey will cause your skin to regrow quickly, while simultaneously reducing any swelling and preventing scarring.
Today, hospitals all over the world are now using honey as a healing salve on all kinds of abrasive wounds, bedsores, burns, diabetic ulcers, surgical scars, and even amputations. Cases that have gone unhealed for long periods of time with the best modern conventional treatment are obtaining excellent results using honey. The success rate is amazing doctors everywhere.
For emergency first aid on minor wounds or burns stir or warm honey just slightly, spread on a bandage, and apply the bandage over the injured area. However, for more serious injuries, it is important to get a doctor’s opinion as a new wound may need stitches.
A particular, honey made from specific flowers in New Zealand called Manuka honey has extraordinary antibacterial properties. All honey has antibacterial properties, however, Manuka honey is known to be more potent. And, of course, honey is delicious!