Month: June 2022


Improving Eyesight with Natural Ingredients

  There are many foods, herbs and vitamins that can help improve and restore eyesight. Eye exercises, sunning, palming and acupressure are helpful and effective methods to do. I encourage you to research these on online. Also Sleep! – Getting plenty of zzz’s helps rest and rejuvenate the eyes. Drink plenty of water. Take 10[...]
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Five Natural Sleep Remedies

Trouble sleeping? Try these natural and safe solutions to help you fall asleep. An all natural choice to help you sleep is far safer than popping over the counter sleeping pills. Research shows a 10-15% higher risk of death from stroke, heart attack and cancer among those who take sleeping pills a few times a[...]
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Natural Healers

  There are many plants you can grow and common kitchen ingredients that can be used for health and healing. Here are 5 with just a few of their uses. Each one has so many more uses. I encourage you to research them further.  ALOE VERA Aloe Vera gel clears the skin and can be used[...]
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